Your company online marketing much more than simply slapping ads on any site that will take your money for doing so. For example, it's excellent to keep in mind that your business does not exist in a vacuum. This means you will interact with other people and you will also have to be aware of your competition. That's why internet marketing statistics can help your company in several ways.
"Online marketing statistics" can refer to general numbers, such as the total number of people operating an online business; or it can refer to your personal numbers, such as the number of people who visit your website.
The more numbers you track in relation to your business, the additional areas you will have in which you can upgrade. There is virtually no end to how much greater your internet marketing could be if you keep an eye on the statistics related to it. Apart from how many people are visiting your site, you can look at where they're coming from, what search terms they use to find your site, how long they stay on your site, which links they click, what browser they use, when they sign up for your e-mail list, how numerous of your messages get opened, and the list goes on.
Once you have established a baseline for these numbers, you can start doing things to improve them. However, you shouldn't make a lot of changes at once. If you do, then there is no way of knowing for sure which changes brought about your results; perfect or bad.
Let's say you place an ad in an Online marketing newsletter and you achieve 100 sales as a result. You look at your internet marketing statistics and see that 500 people clicked on the link. So, you decide to travel the same ad again, with one exception. This time you're going to change the wording of the ad slightly. After the next issue goes out you notice that only 400 people clicked the ad, but 150 made a purchase. With that information you can see that the first ad caused additional clicks, and the one more ad led to a higher percentage of purchases. So, you run the ad again, but you change the wording yet again, hoping to combine the powerful points of the previous two messages. This time you achieve 600 clicks and 350 people purchase.
Of course the above is only one small example, but it shows the importance of keeping track of your numbers. You can apply the same principle to all areas of your business that can be quantified in some way. The only things you shouldn't do are guess and assume. People that do this tend to have unsuccessful businesses, which is a shame. Either way, there is no require for you to make guesses and assumptions when you understand how the power of Online marketing statistics can improve your bottom line.
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