
How to Remove NWLink IPX Frame Corruption in Token Ring Network Error

Summary: When you use the Windows NT IPX/SPX Compatible Transport protocol (NWLink) in a token ring network, frame corruption occurs. This results in a lost connection between a client and a server. A network trace reveals that the IPX header becomes corrupted, thus the client does not receive the data.

If an SNA Server client is connecting to the SNA Server over IPX/SPX, this problem causes the SNA client to lose its LAN session to the server, leading to the loss of the user's SNA session.

The following conditions must exist to encounter the problem:

  • Windows NT server running NWLink IPX.
  • Token Ring network with Source Routing Bridges.
  • Client sends request to Windows NT Server and the Server responds.
  • Original Frame gets lost on the net for some reason.
  • When the server retransmits the frame, the Token Ring source routing information will be copied twice in the frame. It will overwrite the IPX header.
  • A slow WAN may be more prone to encounter this problem because they often drop frames. The problem only occurs during frame retransmission.

    Solution: If you fix NWLink IPX Frame Corruption in Token Ring Network error in time, your PC will run like brand new. To solve NWLink IPX Frame Corruption in Token Ring Network problems effectively and efficiently, install a good NWLink IPX Frame Corruption in Token Ring Network Error Removal Tool is a smart solution. This is definitely your ideal tool to solve NWLink IPX Frame Corruption in Token Ring Network problem in the shortest time.

    Try NWLink IPX Frame Corruption in Token Ring Network Removal Program Now

    In order to repair NWLink IPX Frame Corruption in Token Ring Network error, install SmartPCFixer immediately. This optimization tool is already proven to locate, identify, and repair NWLink IPX Frame Corruption in Token Ring Network errors. Speed up your PC with SmartPCFixer at once

    Manual Resolutions

    Upgrade to Windows NT version 3.51 or the latest U.S. Service Pack for Windows NT version 3.50.

    What Else Does SmartPCFixer Offer You?

    SmartPCFixer™ is not only able to troubleshoot NWLink IPX Frame Corruption in Token Ring Network error, but also help identify and fix Windows' invalid registry entries. By running Scan & Cleaner as part of scheduled maintenance, it will keep your PC from freezing or frequent crashes . Using it will reduce the probability of you getting a "blue screen", program not responding or lock up.

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